Arab Republic of Egypt: Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment

Arab Republic of Egypt: Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 028
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This report assesses the institutional design and effectiveness of public investment management (PIM) in Egypt. The report concludes that effectiveness is stronger than or on par with comparators for national planning and inter-governmental coordination, and weaker than the average comparator country on several other PIM institutions. Improvements in PIM will be important to close efficiency gaps and enhance the productivity of future public investments. Egypt’s Government has already taken several steps to improve the access to infrastructure and quality of public investment management, including through new legislation, new information systems and significant efforts to enhance staff capacities. The report provides five main recommendations for how these reform steps can be strengthened, sustained and further extended: 1) Strengthen project appraisal and selection processes; 2) Enable private sector involvement in public infrastructure provision: 3) Operationalize PFM law provisions for medium-term budgeting; 4) Strengthen asset management and ensure sufficient maintenance; and 5) Strengthen procurement, project and portfolio management.