Colombia: Assessment of Financial Stability

The financial stability report of the Banco de la República of Colombia (BR) provides broad coverage of macroeconomic environment and the assessment of risks in the financial system.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2023 Issue 011
Publication date: September 2023
ISBN: 9798400254413
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Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , Financial stability report , systemic risk


The financial stability report of the Banco de la República of Colombia (BR) provides broad coverage of macroeconomic environment and the assessment of risks in the financial system. The BR should continue developing data and enhancing forward-looking analytical approaches, sharpen messages on key risks, and develop a layered communication approach to reach audiences with different levels of technical expertise. As new risks emerge, the BR could take stock and update the structure as needed in the medium term. Over the long term, the BR should continue deepening the understanding of the channels and interaction between financial stability and monetary policy.