Instant Payments: Regulatory Innovation and Payment Substitution Across Countries

Instant Payments: Regulatory Innovation and Payment Substitution Across Countries
Volume/Issue: Volume 2022 Issue 228
Publication date: November 2022
ISBN: 9798400221897
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Topics covered in this book

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Finance , Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , Instant payments , payment substitution , regulatory innovation , instant payment , payment risk , direct debit payment , payment share , Payment systems , Europe


Instant, or fast, payments are credit transfers completed and settled within seconds or minutes. They have low costs, reduce payment risk, and have significantly replaced the use of cash, cards, or check and direct debit payments. We note the role played by regulators in promoting instant payments and identify instances of significant payment instrument substitution across 12 advanced and emerging market economies. This substitution reflects the realized demand for attributes offered by instant payments. As these attributes are quite similar to those for CBDC, the demand for retail CBDC (if issued) may be less compelling.