Open Regionalism in a World of Continental Trade Blocs

Continental trade blocs are emerging in many parts of the world almost in tandem. If trade blocs are required to satisfy the McMillan criterion of not lowering trade volume with outside countries, they have to engage in a dramatic reduction of trade barriers against non-member countries. That may not be politically feasible. On the other hand, in a world of simultaneous continental trade blocs, an open regionalism in which trade blocs undertake relatively modest external liberalization can usually produce Pareto improvement.
Publication date: February 1998
ISBN: 9781451842661
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This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

International - Economics , International - Economics , International Relations - Trade and Tariffs , International Relations - Trade and Tariffs , trade blocs , open regionalism , regionalism , external liberalization , regional integration
