Toward a Global Approach to Data in the Digital Age

The ongoing economic and financial digitalization is making individual data a key input and source of value for companies across sectors.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2021 Issue 005
Publication date: October 2021
ISBN: 9781513599427
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Finance , Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , Data , finance , bigtech , competition , privacy , trade , policy coordination , global principles , data portability , DATA policies country , privacy trade-off , policy divergence , data availability divide , data economy , Digital economy , Competition , Financial sector stability , Artificial intelligence , Global


The ongoing economic and financial digitalization is making individual data a key input and source of value for companies across sectors, from bigtechs and pharmaceuticals to manufacturers and financial services providers. Data on human behavior and choices—our “likes,” purchase patterns, locations, social activities, biometrics, and financing choices—are being generated, collected, stored, and processed at an unprecedented scale.