Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Technical Assistance Report-Risk-Based Banking Supervision

At the request of the Bank of Lao, and in continuation of the FIRST TA project, this TA report provides advice towards implementing risk-based supervision (RBS). The BoL is in the process of implementing its risk-based approach to supervision to make the banking system more stable and sounder. This mission looked at the full cycle of onsite and offsite supervision process and provided advice related to applying the RBS manual, drafting and utilizing Institution Profile (IP) and Risk Assessment Summary (RAS), writing an effective examination report, the use of a risk-based approach to internal systemic reporting, and developing a supervisory response framework. The bulk of the mission time was spent on formal hands-on training sessions. During the mission, training was provided to BSD staff in small group discussions, and a more formal seminar was organized for all offsite and onsite BSD staff, which focused on reviewing the underlying RBS concepts and the elements of RBS manuals.
Publication date: October 2019
ISBN: 9781513518466
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ISCR , CR , RBS , onsite , ROX , RAS , offsite
