Republic of Palau: Technical Assistance Report-Managing Government Employment and Compensation

Republic of Palau: Technical Assistance Report-Managing Government Employment and Compensation
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 027
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Upon the authorities’ request, the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department provided technical assistance to Palau on reforming government employment and compensation policies. Palau is facing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified staff for essential public services due to emigration. The government's compensation structure has become increasingly compressed, making it difficult to recruit and retain skilled workers, particularly in the health and education sectors. The mission suggested that targeted pay increases, subject to available fiscal space, could alleviate these issues. Additionally, innovative approaches, such as merging some state government functions with the national government and facilitating the recruitment of foreign workers, could improve public service delivery efficiency. The recent establishment of the Employment and Compensation Committee (ECC) marks a significant step towards the necessary development of a medium-term strategy to address these challenges.